Thursday 8 May 2014

Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser.

Name: Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser.
Brand: Maybelline New York.
Cosmetic Type: Lightweight primer.
Purpose: 'Pores appear instantly erased for smooth looking skin.'
Price: £7.99 @ Boots and Superdrug.
Rating:  ♥ ♥ 

I have terrible pores, so I thought this primer would be a god send. With this price being so high for something so little I was a little bit unsure at first, but I decided it must be good at that price. The product has a nozzle that can be seen below and comes out clear, it feels incredibly greasy to touch, even when its been on the face for a while which I don't like, so I won't use it alone. When I have used it and then put make-up over the top however it does seem to cover up pores but only slightly, I feel like it is actually the make-up and day cream doing this more than anything.

All in all, I have given it a 3/5 as I feel slightly more confident when I wear it, but I feel as if it doesn't do what the bottle so impressively says. I wouldn't recommend this product unless you are incredibly self concious about pores, it is light, but it feels too greasy for me. It hasn't given me any spots on the other hand which is quite rare for me so I would recommend it as a cheaper primer for that reason alone.

Friday 24 January 2014


            As well as Kate Moss, I absolutely adore Alexa Chung.
I only really first knew of her because of her dating Alex Turner (the man I've loved since I first heard my favourite band in 2006) and as I looked further into her I fell in love. Shes classically beautiful and has a wonderful personality unlike the majority of people in her field. She dresses to absolute perfection in my eyes and I look up to her greatly, she is exactly what I aspire to be.

I recently read her book 'it' and its absolutely brilliant. I read it in about an hour as I couldn't stop myself! Her wonderful personality really shines through and I cried on the bus when I read the part where she talks of her heartbreak over Alex. I literally wanted to find her and hug her and tell her "it's going to be all right" I've never related so much to something I read before it was truly beautiful and I've posted the four pages below for any readers that wish to read it. The way she writes is so relate-able and worded so beautifully that I wanted her to start a new one the second I finished it.

................................................................................................................................................................... Click them to make them bigger :)

One thing I am going to have to say is that LIGHT PINK COTTON MATERIAL IS REALLY NOT A GREAT IDEA FOR A FRONT COVER! I've read it twice now and its covered in bits of dirt that find their way into my bag! The first time I read it I even kept it in the shopping bag because I didn't want to get a print on it, one foundation finger print and BAM, I gave up.
My two favourites together.

Kate Moss.

I idolise Kate Moss. She is literally god to me, every image I see of her has me staring, I actually think she could turn my sexual orientation.
I also love Peter Doherty, one of my favourite bands in the world is The Libertines and I'm of course also a big Babyshambles fan and so the two together were perfect for me.

Kate and Peter were an incredible relationship, Pete showed Kate a whole new world of harder drugs, music and chaos, of course - he fell hopelessly in love with her, who wouldn't?! Its hard to see what she saw in him but she was also infatuated by him. Some of his most beautiful music is written about her and their relationship fascinates me to this day. Pete still isn't on the straight and narrow and for Kate to expect that of him clearly would have damaged the relationship. I saw him a couple of months ago in Manchester for a Babyshambles gig and he was still too skagged up to remember his lyrics, or stand up for that matter. They really did love eachother but sometimes you need to calm down and grow up a bit, I don't think Pete would ever of been able to do that for her, and thats why it ended... Along with reports of him cheating on her, of course.

It of course never worked out, but lyrically genius songs such as 'What Katie Did' and 'Can't Stand Me Now' may never have been written without his broken heart, and thats where the best forms of art come from.
Kate has also had relationships with the likes of Johnny Depp (beautiful image below), Jefferson Hack (who her daughter is born to) and her current husband Jamie Hince who she seems to be sticking with.

I see Kate Moss as an art form, I've never seen anyone quite as uniquely beautiful and photogenic, early photo's such as the one below just entice me, I can't describe my attraction to her.

Shes even stunning in candid pictures like this.

She even dresses to perfection.
She turned forty just last week and she is still absolutely badass (recent image below). She recently did a shoot for Playboy which really caught my eye and is still willing to get all of her bits out. This woman really is an inspiration, you don't need big boobs to be a godess, just just need to be a rock and roll queen, with undamageable confidence and pride like Kate Moss (she knows she's on top and she shows it) with this you can be nothing but a work of art.

Kate Moss, you are my idol.